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Chaos Scatter different on different render nodes.

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  • Chaos Scatter different on different render nodes.

    I double checked versions to make sure it wasn't incompatible plugins and:

    Submission Workstation #1: Worker 3ds Max Version:
    V-Ray version, build: #("6.10.08", "00000", "1cdbc1b0")

    Render Nodes #1-5: Worker 3ds Max Version:
    V-Ray version, build: #("6.10.08", "00000", "1cdbc1b0")

    Workstation #2: Worker 3ds Max Version:
    V-Ray version, build: #("6.10.08", "00000", "1cdbc1b0")

    The render nodes render differently from the other Workstation. About half of the the scatter objects in the scene just scatter nothing on WS#2 but nothing at all scatters on the Render Nodes. ​​

    I can't think of a reason why various objects wouldn't scatter between different machines. The output is stable between frames and stable within the render nodes vs the second workstation that rendered.

    I also have noticed that ChaosScatter sometimes picks odd pivot points for the scatter center on meshes. For instance I'm scattering some mushrooms and they are all on their side even though the local transform looks right. And some leaves are anywhere from 0 to 2' off the ground even though their centers are all on their geo and there is no transform randomization.

    Is there at least a way to bake in instance positions before rendering so that I can guarantee consistency?
    Gavin Greenwalt
    im.thatoneguy[at] || Gavin[at]
    Straightface Studios

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting.
    There is a button in the Chaos Scatter node that can convert the scatter to meshes:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-09-27_11-22-31.jpg
Views:	187
Size:	50.6 KB
ID:	1191797
    If you are using VRayProxy after hitting "convert to max geometry" you will end up with instanced proxies so your scene should not blow up.

    As for the original issue. How do you perform your network render? Are you using a render manager (like for example Backburner)? Are you rendering frames of animation and if yes could you try to render them on a single machine and compare?
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Rendering through Deadline. We have mapped drives. But all of the textures etc appear ok. And the non-service user accounts render ok. I'll try re-rendering maybe running in user space instead of as a service.
      Gavin Greenwalt
      im.thatoneguy[at] || Gavin[at]
      Straightface Studios

