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"Black" reflection problem behind multiple panes of glass, with high refraction depth.

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  • "Black" reflection problem behind multiple panes of glass, with high refraction depth.


    I seem to remember that when dealing with multiple panes of glass, one behind another (sometimes 8 layers of glass or more the camera is looking through), I needed to crank up the refraction depth for things to look correct.

    Now I was rendering an interior office with lots of glass and all of a sudden my chrome materials were completely black when I viewed them through 4 layers (boxes) of 1cm. All geometry was fine, and the glass had a refraction depth of 20. It looked ok when I looked through only 2 layers. After hours and hours of searching. I found that even the default of 8 produces weird results (in my opinion, I have no idea if this is physically correct). I needed to put the depth on 7 and then my issue was solved. Is this to be expected?

    I tried changing reflection depth of all materials as well. Raising it to insane values. Resetting my scene settings. Other than lowering refraction depth I couldn't get it to look 'good'.

    I'm showing it in IPR but it's the same result in progressive and bucket.

    Attached scene as well.

    ​Refraction depth at 8 or higher

    Click image for larger version

Name:	WeirdRefraction.jpg
Views:	313
Size:	110.7 KB
ID:	1192191

    Refraction depth at 7

    Click image for larger version

Name:	WeirdRefraction2.jpg
Views:	294
Size:	93.5 KB
ID:	1192192
    Attached Files


  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. Please try to enable and increase the override depth in global switches rollout.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-10-02_16-04-58.jpg
Views:	334
Size:	144.0 KB
ID:	1192199Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2023-10-02_16-07-57.jpg
Views:	333
Size:	129.8 KB
ID:	1192200
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Well as you will see in my scene, the override depth checkbox is unchecked, which means it will take the value of the material right? Something is defintely not working correctly.



      • #4
        As I thought and now just checked, if you raise the chrome's reflection bounces it fixes it


        • #5
          Originally posted by fixeighted View Post
          As I thought and now just checked, if you raise the chrome's reflection bounces it fixes it
          Ugh I swear I tried that as well and didn't work. Anyway it works this time! Thanks a bunch. Quite noobish of me.



          • #6
            When I first read the post it was the first thing I thought of, oddly, though I second guessed myself, as always, thinking I'd be wrong.

            The software has beome so simplified (in many a good way) that it's sometimes counterintuitively hard to work out what's gone wrong, as we are now so spoiled by the fact that it's 'out of the box' so performative.

            Anyway, glad to help


            • #7
              Also, (points to me) I got there before any of the mods figured it out

              Surely I deserve a Tshirt?!! C'mooon!

