Basically I most of the times render out to PNG, single of sequences, but now I m about to render out something big and I wanted to "bake" all render passes into one EXR to edit it freely in Photoshop. This is not a big problem as such, as I can render out to both PNG and EXR, but I wonder why the EXR is so much darker than the PNG. I guess it may have something to do with colors, colors space or numbers of colors or something, as PNG is RGB 48bit and EXR is Full Float 32 bits. See attached images!
3DSMax 2024
Vray 6, Update 1.2
Bucket, Min shading Ray 6, Min Sub 3, Max sub 100
GI: Bucket / Bucket
Elements: Lightning, GlobalLigthning, Specular, refelction, Refraction, SelfIlluminating, DiffuseFilter, BumpNormal, Zdepth, Denoiser.

Harald Martinoff
Basically I most of the times render out to PNG, single of sequences, but now I m about to render out something big and I wanted to "bake" all render passes into one EXR to edit it freely in Photoshop. This is not a big problem as such, as I can render out to both PNG and EXR, but I wonder why the EXR is so much darker than the PNG. I guess it may have something to do with colors, colors space or numbers of colors or something, as PNG is RGB 48bit and EXR is Full Float 32 bits. See attached images!
3DSMax 2024
Vray 6, Update 1.2
Bucket, Min shading Ray 6, Min Sub 3, Max sub 100
GI: Bucket / Bucket
Elements: Lightning, GlobalLigthning, Specular, refelction, Refraction, SelfIlluminating, DiffuseFilter, BumpNormal, Zdepth, Denoiser.
Harald Martinoff