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Objects move to scene center when rendering

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  • Objects move to scene center when rendering

    ​When rendering, all the scene contents move to scene center 0,0,0; but everything is fine in the viewports.
    This only happens when rendering. Nothing is animated, a new clean scene, only two geometries and a v-ray light source.
    It doesn't matter if I use single frame rendering, IPR or viewport integrated IPR.
    I'm using 3ds max 2024.2 and currently V-Ray 6.2, but had issues already with 3ds max 2024.1 and latest 6.1 beta versions.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Kuvatõmmis 2023-11-29 191448.png
Views:	401
Size:	571.5 KB
ID:	1196026
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Some further testing showed that objects only move on X and Y axis, but not on Z axis.
    Also lights are somehow not affected, but cameras are.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Kuvatõmmis 2023-11-29 221144.png
Views:	275
Size:	275.6 KB
ID:	1196043


    • #3
      This happens with a brand new scene? After restarting Max?


      • #4
        Sometimes it happens just "randomly", but what certainly brings out this behavior is when opening a new or existing max scene while another max+v-ray scene is rendering. Then the following opened or created max scenes are also possessed by the same issue.


        • #5
          You may have pre-render callbacks (not of our making).
          I tried what you mentioned but it doesn't reproduce on my side.

          Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

          The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


          • #6
            Is your scene an xref bound to a helper?


            • #7
              Originally posted by zoranm View Post
              Is your scene an xref bound to a helper?
              No, I got errors already from a brand new scene.

              Although I got some progress by deleting: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\20XX - 64bit\ENU​ folder - to reset 3ds Max user preference settings.
              Now at least so far, scenes are working. But when I dare to open new 3ds max instance while another one is rendering, I still get the same error in the new opened max scene (doesn't matter if new or saved scene).

