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VrayRenderTime RE all white

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  • VrayRenderTime RE all white


    I'm using VrayRenderTime RE to diagnose some render times in a shot but for some reason it is all white and it is impossible to figure out where is my cursor location. Mind you, raw data is showing different values when I move cursor around. First I thoughts it is clipping to white but when I opened it it as 32 bit exr in photoshop all was one value = 64K
    Any help?

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. Have you tried to reset your render settings to default? You can do this by switching to another render engine (scanline for instance) and then back to V-Ray. Try a new simple scene and check if VRayRenderTime works in it. If it does and you have the issue only in a specific scene, send it over for review. You can do that here or through the support contact form. If you choose the contact form please add a link to this thread in your e-mail.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thanks for your quick reply Vladimir. I wander if you can shed some light on this subject for me. So my understanding is that VrayRenderTime RE displays render time per pixel, in milliseconds. That'd mean that if raw=1 that pixel was rendered in 1 millisecond.
      I think I figured out what my problem is. Most of the values in my render are above 1 and basically clipped to pure white. Is it possible to do some sort of mapping of values (similar to pseudo colours for vray lightmeter) that we can scale so full range of values can be shown. Like red= very long render times, green=average, blue=low etc. You got the picture. This would be a HUGE help in diagnosing which part of image are causing slowdowns



      • #4
        Hi, if you save as EXR or VRIMG file format you can bring down the values in any photo editing software. Here is an example with our Chaos Player:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	chaosplayer_qt5_2023-12-06_11-47-53.gif
Views:	137
Size:	1.52 MB
ID:	1196746

        We also have the VRaySampleRate render element. It shows which parts of the image need more sampling and this is directly related to render time.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

