Normalize intensity - normally, the intensity of a light source depends on its size - larger sources generate more light than smaller sources. However, when this option is on, the size of the light source will not affect its intensity. The intensity will be the same as if the light source's size was 1 square unit.
Hi guys the quote above is from the manual, but i find if I have normalise intensity switched on, the size of my sphere vray light still has an effect on the lights intensity. Can anybody else verify this or am i just doing something wrong AGAIN.
Forgot to mention I'm using viz 4 with 1.47.03 also when testing this i have no decay switched on and when i make the sphere bigger the light gets less intense
Hi guys the quote above is from the manual, but i find if I have normalise intensity switched on, the size of my sphere vray light still has an effect on the lights intensity. Can anybody else verify this or am i just doing something wrong AGAIN.
Forgot to mention I'm using viz 4 with 1.47.03 also when testing this i have no decay switched on and when i make the sphere bigger the light gets less intense