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Enmesh and corners

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  • Enmesh and corners

    Hello, I really appreciate the recent updates of enmesh patterns, and am wondering if they will eventually be able to handle corners?

    (Specific to pattern058 "shingle siding" from the Cosmos library...)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-01-19 112206.jpg
Views:	619
Size:	241.4 KB
ID:	1200251

    Thank you.

  • #2
    I found a possible temporary work-around using symmetry in many scenarios but not all.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2024-01-19 113604.jpg Views:	0 Size:	201.1 KB ID:	1200254
    Last edited by voltron7; 19-01-2024, 09:40 AM.


    • #3

      I've logged that as a feature improvement for our developers to look into (internal bug tracker ID: VMAX-13916).

      Best regards,
      Philip Shounev
      QA department


      • #4
        Originally posted by Philip Shounev View Post

        I've logged that as a feature improvement for our developers to look into (internal bug tracker ID: VMAX-13916).

        Best regards,
        Hello Philip,

        Wonderful to hear this. Thank you and best regards!


        • #5
          Is there any way to scale the effect at the edges to a flat line as at the moment I can't see any way to match the displacement effect with custom geometry as its only visible in the IPR or any way to convert the modifier to a mesh that I can then extract the boundary edge?


          • #6
            I opened a scene from a few months ago that was rendering fine (The enmesh geometry) and today it is acting quite strangely...
            The enmesh renders completely black when I use a material override of a vraylightmaterial+vray dirt. It was working great last time I saved the file.
            Only change has been time on the calendar. Now, if I use a standard vray material it renders okay, except a few parts still render total blackness.
            Super frustrating as I thought I had a useable setup.

            This was from January when it was behaving as expected...

            Click image for larger version

Name:	corner.png
Views:	319
Size:	1.52 MB
ID:	1204835

            Here are some from today, when it seems funky/broken...
            This is trying to use the same override material, setting from the January file.
            Now all the enmesh objects are black.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-19 092708.jpg
Views:	292
Size:	147.7 KB
ID:	1204836

            And here is when I tried it with a standard vray material (instead of VrayLightmtl.)
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-19 093539.jpg
Views:	296
Size:	177.6 KB
ID:	1204837

            Normals are looking normal

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-03-19 092630.jpg
Views:	344
Size:	282.0 KB
ID:	1204839

            Current vray

            I know there have been updates since January, so maybe enmesh was modified?

            Attached Files


            • #7
              No issues on a simple scene. Maybe you've modified the VRayDirt params? Simplify and attach the scene here so we can troubleshoot.
              Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                I have not modified anything since last using the scene. I'll upload today, thanks.

                Edit: Is there an ftp/wetransfer to use?


                • #9
                  martin_hulse , I would suggest as a workaround to try with some discreet chamfering of the edges of your geometry. Otherwise if this doesn't help, there's an option to make the pattern over the desired areas using Chaos Scatter and then to convert its instancies to meshes. From then on you can edit the mesh around the edges where it's needed.
                  Philip Shounev
                  QA department



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by voltron7 View Post
                    I have not modified anything since last using the scene. I'll upload today, thanks.

                    Edit: Is there an ftp/wetransfer to use?
                    Send it via the contact form.
                    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hermit.crab View Post

                      Send it via the contact form.
                      Ok, thank you.


                      • #12

                        Thank you for the scene file.

                        To resolve this issue you need to flip the faces of the fragment used for VRayEnmesh. VRayLightMtl illuminates only the front faces by default.
                        Here is a quick video:

                        Martin Minev |
                        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Martin.Minev View Post

                          Thank you for the scene file.

                          To resolve this issue you need to flip the faces of the fragment used for VRayEnmesh. VRayLightMtl illuminates only the front faces by default.
                          Here is a quick video:

                          Lol, thanks! I didn't even think to try that because the enmesh was a cosmos asset that I did not modify and assumed would import with correct faces. Does this mean the asset is coming in with reversed normals?

                          Thanks a bunch.

