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Enmesh Shadows Problem

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  • Enmesh Shadows Problem


    I have a problem when using Enmesh mod in 3dsmax.
    Shadows are always wrong. I tried other geometries and I always get same kind of errors. Shadow bias on sun and dome are at 1 mm.

    vray 6
    3dsmax 2024

    is there any solution for this? thank you
    Click image for larger version

Name:	grafik.png
Views:	242
Size:	1.81 MB
ID:	1204230

  • #2
    Best idea is to link to the scene for a quick test/troubleshoot.
    It certainly works normally, so there should be a simple solution


    • #3
      fixeighted thank you for your answer
      sadly never worked for me, I guess it is not made to buil facades, more to build small elements...
      Attached Files


      • #4
        This is happening because your objects are very far from 0,0,0.
        Your units setup is mixed, so set both to cms and adjust your camera (as it'll mess that up)
        That should solve the issue


        • #5
          Originally posted by fixeighted View Post
          This is happening because your objects are very far from 0,0,0.
          Doesn't V-Ray even print a warning about this these days?


          • #6
            There is no warning in this case.
            I think the issue was essentially that if you moved the entire scene to 0,0,0,, then it works properly, due to the precision, or lack thereof, being not so important.
            What made it 'wrong' was that sytem units were metres but scene units were cms, so both being cms means the scene can be further from origin.


            • #7

              bringing the objects close to the origin makes things almost perfect
              thank you!


              • #8
                I do not know why but I can copy and paste text, here link to user manual:

                System units are in meters
                Display units sometimes in meters sometimes in cm, depending on what do I have to display in the viewport, big or small


                • #9
                  Strangely, when I tested this, changing the system units to cms enabled the scene to remain far from origin yet render the shadows correctly.
                  However I can't now replicate that, which is bloody typical LOL.

                  Anyway, IF you need to maintain the geometry at its current position for whatever reason, then you can set a new scene to all cms, then import stuff and it will be correct.


                  • #10
                    Ok, so after further testing it seems that having the Enmesh far from origin will still render wrongly, as in the attached examples.
                    Also the GI is wrong, which makes sense.

                    If you use an array of the original geometry as a comparison, for example, then everything works fine.
                    So it seems it's more of an Enmesh issue here.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      This is the original geometry in both locations, just for confirmation

                      I could see this being an issue with a large scene where there are Enmesh items in various locations and so relocation to 0,0,0 isn't possible.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        fixeighted is correct, it's produced due to the large distance from the center. However, this should happen only with IPR. When IPR is used it considers the original center point of the scene, because we are allowed to make changes in real-time and we need something as a reference. But when we render with Production render the center of the scene becomes the gizmo of the camera, so the problem should not appear in this case.


                        • #13
                          Ah ok, that fixes the issue for sure....the one thing I neglected to try
                          Thanks for the update


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by dimitar_panayotov View Post
                            fixeighted is correct, it's produced due to the large distance from the center. However, this should happen only with IPR. When IPR is used it considers the original center point of the scene, because we are allowed to make changes in real-time and we need something as a reference. But when we render with Production render the center of the scene becomes the gizmo of the camera, so the problem should not appear in this case.
                            sadly this is not allways the case, errors are there even in final production rendering, not only in IPR in my other scene where I used enmesh
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	grafik.png
Views:	114
Size:	226.0 KB
ID:	1205707
                            Last edited by jens_mittendorf; 02-04-2024, 03:13 AM.


                            • #15
                              Could it be because of crop box spacing? It would be best to send this particular scene to our support team. And mention this thread when submitting the ticket.

                              Edit. Check also Shadow bias in your sun settings.
                              Last edited by dimitar_panayotov; 04-04-2024, 04:01 AM.

