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VRayCryptomatte problem

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  • VRayCryptomatte problem

    My sample scene consists of 2 cubes (Box001 and Box002). The 2 cubes have the same material.

    I'm creating two Cryptomatte Rendering Elements :
    - one with ID Type = Node Material Name
    - one with ID Type = Node Name
    The 2 RE are named "VRayCryptomatte" (by default). This is important.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	RenderElementsCryptoMatte.jpg
Views:	237
Size:	28.3 KB
ID:	1205490

    I run the renderer and get 2 different RE. All is ok.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Crypto.jpg
Views:	190
Size:	98.4 KB
ID:	1205491

    Now the problem:
    In the VFB, I take the exposure for example, the 2 Cryptomatte RE are indeed present,

    Click image for larger version

Name:	VFB.jpg
Views:	185
Size:	25.0 KB
ID:	1205492

    BUT, whether I choose one or the other, only the last RE at the bottom of the list (1st image, the highlighted RE, in our case Node Name) is taken into account.

    The bug occurs if the 2 render Elements have the same name.
    If I name the 2 render Elements differently, then it works correctly.

    I hope I've made myself clear.

    Windows 10 - RTX 3090 - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X - 128 Go RAM
    Sketchup PRO 24.0.594 + V-Ray 7.00.01
    3DS Max 2024.2.7 + V-Ray 6.20.06
    3DS Max 2025.3 + V-Ray 7.00.04
    Chaos Vantage 2.7
    GeForce Studio Ready Driver Version 566.14​

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting.
    The 2 RE are named "VRayCryptomatte" (by default). This is important.
    Why is this necessary. I can't imagine a scenario where two different render elements with the same name is a good workflow.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Misinterpretation of what I wrote.
      I wrote that it was important because it was the fact that they had the same name that was causing the bug.
      Of course I don't need them to have the same name.​
      Windows 10 - RTX 3090 - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X - 128 Go RAM
      Sketchup PRO 24.0.594 + V-Ray 7.00.01
      3DS Max 2024.2.7 + V-Ray 6.20.06
      3DS Max 2025.3 + V-Ray 7.00.04
      Chaos Vantage 2.7
      GeForce Studio Ready Driver Version 566.14​


      • #4
        You can change the name of each of them and then distinguish what each one is - see attachment
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Of course I don't need them to have the same name.​
          Please use proper naming to all elements of your scene. This is the correct workflow.
          Vladimir Krastev |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us

