Hi, when using the direct color mode with a vraysun, i understand that the intensity is no longer connected to the position of the sun, however, it seems that to keep the same look (ignoring color), you have to break the connection between the sun and sky, using lightmix because just increasing the sun multiplier overexposes everything? Is this correct?
First image is with the default setting. Second with direct color mode.

Im guessing its something with the connection to the sky, as the only way i can get a similar intensity without the image being overexposed is by using the lightmix. The image below is using lightmix with the sun set to an intensity of 60, but environment kept at a value of 1. If dont use lightmix and up the sun intensity to 60, the image is just completely over exposed.

This is latest official release of vray with a new scene, flat plane, a cube and sun system. (SCENE ATTACHED)
First image is with the default setting. Second with direct color mode.
Im guessing its something with the connection to the sky, as the only way i can get a similar intensity without the image being overexposed is by using the lightmix. The image below is using lightmix with the sun set to an intensity of 60, but environment kept at a value of 1. If dont use lightmix and up the sun intensity to 60, the image is just completely over exposed.
This is latest official release of vray with a new scene, flat plane, a cube and sun system. (SCENE ATTACHED)