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Vray 6 camera under plane - renders black

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  • Vray 6 camera under plane - renders black


    I recently upgraded to max 2024 / vray 6 / phoenix 5. Havinhg issue with rendering whenever a camera is under a plane - for an underwater scene for example. I have attached a simple scene with just a basic plane above and below - vray bitmap on the environment and a Dome light with same HDRI map. If any part of the upper plane is above the camera, the scene renders black. Move the plane away and it's fine. It is an immediate change from one to the other so isn't anything to do with shadows. I have installed the latest update of Vray and no change. Tried physical camera and Vray camera, no difference. None of the previous underwater scenes I have render properly anymore. If anyone knows the problem please advise, thankyou.​
    Attached Files

  • #2
    This is the result I'm getting with your scene. It's just dark. What's your result?
    Attached Files
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    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

