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vrscene overrides snippet

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  • vrscene overrides snippet

    Dear Vray team
    I have the following problem. I have drag dropped two vrscenes in 3ds max , vrA and vrB. The vrscenes contain the same geometry with different materials and I want to use scenes overrides to copy materials of vrA to vrB.
    Can you please write me here if this is possible and if yes can you please write me here the code that I need to copy to override snippet
    Thank you very much in advance

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. It is possible but not that straight forward or easy.
    Here are a few useful links that we van provide:
    - Transferring Materials and Scenes Between Different Platforms
    - VRayScene
    - Scene Manager
    - Exporting and Using V-Ray Scene Files

    If you can not manage on your own please open a ticket and we will look into your case in more details. ​
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by digital_technologies View Post
      Dear Vray team
      I have the following problem. I have drag dropped two vrscenes in 3ds max , vrA and vrB. The vrscenes contain the same geometry with different materials and I want to use scenes overrides to copy materials of vrA to vrB.
      Can you please write me here if this is possible and if yes can you please write me here the code that I need to copy to override snippet
      Thank you very much in advance
      It's ugly but it works - you can load the material from the vrscene you want to use to pick materials from through the VRayVRmatMtl and then point it in the snippet of the other vrscene:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	85
Size:	231.6 KB
ID:	1211138
      If it was that easy, it would have already been done

      Peter Matanov

