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.vrscene file path issue

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  • .vrscene file path issue

    Hi all,

    My team and I have an issue with how file paths are dealt with when we export a .vrscene from 3ds max.

    Typically most of our textures are pathed to a drive that we all have access to - no issue.

    We just found that we were having problems with textures missing when using things such as railclone and forest pro. These textures are un-pathed and are usually found on the local machine (3ds max will search through the External Project Paths/External Files list) where they're installed alongside railclone/forest pro, however when we export a .vrscene the export process decides to path them to the local machine. This means that when my colleague exports the textures are pathed to his local machine, and when I export they're pathed to mine - meaning we can't render scenes that eachother have exported.

    Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Please keep in mind that I do not want to strip the paths of all the items in the scene, as they're pathed to our textures drive.

    I hope this makes sense. Happy to clarify if you need more detail.

    Kind regards,
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    Cache nothing. Brute force everything.

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting.
    railclone and forest pro. These textures are un-pathed and are usually found on the local machine
    The vrscene takes a file path that points to the maps folder of the PC that the scene was built and exported from.
    If you take this scene to another computer it won't have the same filesystem (the username is different for example) and will not find the textures.
    Here in this example my vrscene has forest libraries in it and was built on my PC. If I try to render it on one of our common test machines it will render the grass black:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1x1Li-q3hSpjRIdf9hAgGGNwHzO31uZuX&authuser=0.png
Views:	161
Size:	35.5 KB
ID:	1211348Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1FcRHb6LkSVBRzwiVnq5YYEpyXKPPmFIB&authuser=0.png
Views:	143
Size:	791.3 KB
ID:	1211349

    You could add the new path using this environment variable - VRAY_ASSETS_PATH
    It has to be added to the computer you want to render on.
    As a value for the env. variable you have to use the path to the forest maps on the computer you want to render with.

    Another approach is to copy all forest maps and assets to your server and each artist should redirect the paths there. ​

    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

