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HDRI Finite Dome Light with Phoenix Ocean

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  • HDRI Finite Dome Light with Phoenix Ocean

    I'm trying out the finite dome with HDRI for the first time today and ran into an issue with a black band between the dome and ocean water. It appears to be the dome casting a shadow onto the infinite ocean and not sure how to get rid of this band.

  • #2
    I think that's just the VRayDome's current limit. If you increase its radius, it should go farther away. Otherwise, I presume you're confused as to why the dome's flat part ends before converging to its hemisphere part - although "Finite" is active, the VRayDome is always behind everything in the scene.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Would love to see some sort of solution to be able to use the finite dome in a scene like this. Currently I am placing spheres with the hdri mapped as a texture to place it as a background to the size and distance I want which doesn't always match the lighting.

