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Vray Edge Texture Issue (3Ds Max)

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  • Vray Edge Texture Issue (3Ds Max)

    Hi everyone, hope you're doing well.

    I have an issue with "VrayEdgeTex map" since some days.
    I don't know if it's a bug or if i did something wrong at some point.

    When i use it througt a "Composite map", when it's connected to it, it disable all the others layers in the composite.

    On the screenshots, you can see with EdgeTex and without it.

    If some of you have any idea, it would be perfect !
    Thank you very much and wish you a good day


    Click image for larger version

Name:	1725976936-with-edgetex.jpg
Views:	211
Size:	861.3 KB
ID:	1215580
    Click image for larger version

Name:	1725976936-without-edgetex.jpg
Views:	175
Size:	867.8 KB
ID:	1215581

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting. You are using V-Ray GPU is this correct? I am able to reproduce it with GPU but please confirm that you are using GPU as well. I will investigate the issue further and get back to the thread.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thank you very much for the quick answer.
      Yes i do use VrayGPU.

      Edit :

      I just tried with VrayCPU, it work perfectly.
      Last edited by yvesgal_jacak; 10-09-2024, 08:01 AM.


      • #4
        Hi, the issue is reported as bug in our internal system under VGPU-6582. We will contact you when the fix is ready.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Thank you very much


          • #6
            I usually use VrayEdgesTex in a separate VrayBumpMtl after the main VrayMtl. Makes it easy to control without interfering with other bumps or normals (esp when you want to use it with multiple materials to apply it to a whole object) and clear that it’s a special effect you are using. Might be a suitable workaround.

