To set the required values in the coat properties in VRayBlendMtl I use this code:
But nothing works and the values do not change, although no errors appear.
When I use the code below, everything works as expected:
What could be the reason for such strange behavior of properties and how can I make the "setProperty" function work in VRayBlendMtl?
myBlendMat=VRayBlendMtl() myBitmapTexture=Checker() setProperty myBlendMat "blend_0" (color 50 50 50) setProperty myBlendMat "texmap_blend_0" myBitmapTexture setProperty myBlendMat "texmap_blend_mult_0" 50.0
When I use the code below, everything works as expected:
meditMaterials[1].Blend[1]=(color 50 50 50) meditMaterials[1].texmap_blend[1]=myBitmapTexture meditMaterials[1].texmap_blend_multiplier[1]=50.0