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Vray 6 - Composite Material Crashes during RT

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  • Vray 6 - Composite Material Crashes during RT

    I have been running into this issue more and more and figurd I would post and see if this is an issue others might have or if it is a known bug and was resvolved in Vray7? Due to Vray usually having new issues with updates I am waiting on upgrading until Phoenix is supported and maybe round 1 of bugs are fixed which is why I am asking this.

    When I am working on a material lets say a ground texture in one of my envionrments, using RT and a vray blend along with the standard composite maps. Every now and then I run into an issue where the material itself crashes and almost like resets resulting in my having to recreate it from scratch. I notcied this happen more often on dense scene files vs lets say a blank teapot.

    I have had this issue also occur when trying to add various maps into vray dirt. I think its some memory issue or something but it like prevents the material to update and then locks out the last working area having to clear the vray dirt or composite map and start all over. Any run ins with this?

    I am using max 2024 and Vray 6 update 2.1. I am running 128 gb ram, 4090 gpu, and 3995wx threadripper, so system specs are not the issue.

  • #2
    Mind if you send/attach a simple scene where the issue is evident?
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by hermit.crab View Post
      Mind if you send/attach a simple scene where the issue is evident?
      So I was doing a test with a teapo to recreate it just to be able to share a file, sadly no luck. It seems to happen more often with more heavy scene files. So right now I run into this with my full cgi envionrments. Hopefully once I upgrade to Vray7 this will be resolved lol.
      Thanks hermit!

