I've noticed this for a while now, but is there a reason that the vrimgs, saved after render completion (set up from the render settings dialogue), are smaller than the SAME render saved from within the VFB (save all image channels to single file).
See below, as you can see the one that is saved after render completion is about 200 MB smaller than the one saved manually from the VFB. There were NO changes to anything, this is the exact same vrimg with the exact same information to my knowledge.
- Save a render by using the render settings dialogue for saving the RAW image file (use VRIMG)
- Open that render with the VFB (Load image)
- Save that render without changing anything (Save all image channels to single file, choose VRIMG)
- Compare the file sizes
See below, as you can see the one that is saved after render completion is about 200 MB smaller than the one saved manually from the VFB. There were NO changes to anything, this is the exact same vrimg with the exact same information to my knowledge.
- Save a render by using the render settings dialogue for saving the RAW image file (use VRIMG)
- Open that render with the VFB (Load image)
- Save that render without changing anything (Save all image channels to single file, choose VRIMG)
- Compare the file sizes