Can we please get multi-part DEEP EXRs? This single part stuff is so slow to work with in Nuke.
Was this fixed in VRay 7? Still using 6 in production. Thanks.
Was this fixed in VRay 7? Still using 6 in production. Thanks.
exrmultipart -convert -override 1 -i ChipFG_v14.0020.exr -o ChipFG_v14_multi.0020.exr input: ChipFG_v14.0020.exr output: ChipFG_v14_multi.0020.exr override:1 -convert input to EXR2 multipart ERROR: Cannot initialize output part "0". Can't build a OutputFile from a type-mismatched part.
Interleaving is done between elements within a section (part) of .exr files. Interleaving channels, layers, and views is done when the whole .exr is written out in one large part. This is quicker for writing but it involves more work when reading only part of the data. For performance, you should interleave only those elements which are expected to be read together. If you're only reading some layers in each Read node, then it's best not to interleave the layers. If you expect to read all the layers in each Read node, then you can optimize write performance by bundling everything together. Generally, there are a lot of layers in .exr file so this control can make a big difference to both read and write performance.