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Render Node Not Loading Scene State Correctly

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  • Render Node Not Loading Scene State Correctly

    Hi everyone,

    I have a problem that I can't seem to solve, so maybe someone here has encountered a similar situation and knows the solution.

    Hardware and setup:
    Two identical computers:
    • Workstation
    • Render node
      Software: 3ds Max + V-Ray (Distributed Rendering enabled)

    Problem description:
    The test scene contains two sets of Scene States with different lighting.
    In Batch Render, I set up two test renders, each with a different Scene State.
    I check Net Rendering and Distributed Rendering in the V-Ray options.
    I send everything to Backburner.

    What happens:
    If I run the renders directly in 3ds Max on the workstation, everything works correctly.
    When using Backburner:
    • The workstation renders correctly (correct Scene State).
    • The render node does not load the Scene State – it seems to use the current layer settings instead of those from the Scene State.

    What I've checked:
    • The network is configured correctly. When both computers render together without Backburner (within Max), everything works as it should.

    Has anyone encountered this behavior in Backburner? Maybe some configuration is missing, or something needs to be set up differently in Scene States, Batch Render, or Backburner?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • #2
    The issue is reproducible. It seems that it works fine when using either Backburner (Net Batch Render) or DR locally, but not together. I'll log it. A workaround should be to save each state onto a separate file and send it to Backburner like this.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply, however, I didn't have this issue before – everything was working correctly. I should also add that through the Batch Camera Render plugin, everything works fine.


      • #4
        Just so you know, I've logged the issue (internal bug-tracker id: VMAX-14754) for developer investigation. I am glad you have found a better workaround.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

