I am continuing to have issues with the colors in the VFB not matching the actual saved JPG/PNG. It looks to clearly be a color management issue. I have tried to do my due diligence in searching the forum but haven't found a solution.
Thank you!
- I am a general vray user. I do not "need" any specific color matching workflow or precision for my purposes, although I am happy to use one if it makes sense. I usually just rely on defaults. I DO need to be able to reliably save my renderings as images without a lot of post-production.
- I am using Vray 7 and Max 2025
- When I render, everything looks fine in the VFB which makes me thing there is no issue on the material side. As soon as I go to save a png or jpg, the image gets very dark, or very washed out. This looks to my eyes like a gamma issue.
- I have tried just about every combination of settings I can think of in both the VFB and in Max's Color Management dialog. Attached are screenshots of my default settings, and a comparison of the same image which looks fine in VFB but unusable as a png.
Thank you!