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Unrenderable scene

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  • Unrenderable scene

    Hi folks.
    24 hours later I'm getting rather desperate. I have a scene that I need to render at 5200x2900 and that souldn't be a problem. However even without GI it exits to desktop when I try to render. I have recreated the scene more or less object by object. And also separated them by layers to be able to hide and test different objects. I'm now at the point where I can render each separate layer but It crashes when I have 2 or more visible at the same time.
    It's also a bit random as to where in the rendering it exits to desktop. Sometimes after 2 buckets sometimes after say 50.
    It's not a geometry intensive scene.

    Does anyone have any clue to this problem of mine?
    I run 7.5 without the hotfix since I don't have any Cebas installed.


  • #2
    Is there something warning in the V-Ray Message Box ???
    And also have You tried rendering all of it, but on a quite lower REZ ?

    Best Regards,
    nikki Candelero
    .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


    • #3
      ya more info is necessary. at what point DOES it render? a lower rez?

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        I don't get any warnings in the Vray message. I also checked the log file.
        And I can render at Pal 768x576 so it seams like it has something to do with my PC running short on memory.
        I'm currently testing to render with split scanlines with Backburner. We'll see how it goes.
        I'm off to take the train in a moment. I'll report back.



        • #5
          Have you tried rendering to a vrimg? disable the Max framebuffer in common tab and the "render to memory frame buffer" option in the VFB, select render to V-Ray raw image file and give it a path
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            I used to get the same problem until I enabled the 3GB switch. If that doesn't help go here and do everything applicable:
            If all else fails, region render in strips (like I am today). You will not be able to do this with DR though, only locally.
            "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


            • #7
              Vrimg didn't work. There is something in the scene that if it doesn't crash then at least everything comes to a stop and the Irr map calculation stalls. (is that the word?) It's a old file and I was hoping to force it thru even tho it uses some plugins that are not present. like "shell" I'll have to check everything and if it still won't render. I'll report back.

              Thank's everyone
              I'll probably have to start stripe rendering.



              • #8
                well it seems to me the image size is just way too big. i would suggest using split rendering

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #9
                  Hi elf
                  Long time.
                  Naa It usually renders fine at that resolution. 6k is the magic size I wouldn't exceed.

                  Can anyone tell me how to find the objects in a scene that uses a "missing osm" or even better when loading a scene that has plugins like TextureLab and old free plugins a way to list the objects using the missing plugin.

                  Summary Info does not hold that information. That's too bad cos else it would have been really easy. save to file and do a seach.



                  • #10
                    it definitely sounds like a memory problem.... i have had similar issues with large scenes, with large numbers of bitmaps - as soon as it gets anywhere near 3Gb it bombs out


                    • #11
                      At least I can help out with finding the missing modifiers:

                      for i in objects do (
                      for j = 1 to i.modifiers.count do(try(
                      if classof i.modifiers[j] == Missing_OSM then print i)catch()))

                      this prints a list of the objects with missing modifiers.

                      My guess would also be that you exceed your memory limit. Have you ever watched the task-manager while rendering? Perhaps it crashes when you hit a certain memory usage?

                      Best Regards,
                      visit my developer blog


                      • #12
                        If you have no troubles rendering smaller, then I would use a script called "big render", it renders the image in chunks that you simply pop together in Photoshop. It works wonders when you need to render something really huge, much like your problem right now

               - and search for "big render"
               - - -


                        • #13
                          Hi and thank's.
                          Big render was the solution before R6 (if I'm not misstaken) It's been part of BB since R6 (I think) but under a different name.
                          Thing is I have still not found a script that will locate the objects using missing dll's.

                          I guess I have reached that situation that motivatessme to finally learn scripting.....

                          I was hoping this day would never come



                          • #14
                            Big Render is a bit different than strips I think, I noticed big render has been updated recently, Haven't tried it though
                            Eric Boer


                            • #15
                              Have you tried strips yet? Seems it would do exactly what you need...

