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Strange vrayspawner behavior (DR)

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  • Strange vrayspawner behavior (DR)

    Ah, the joys of DR....

    So, on at least one of my renderodes (haven't confirmed yet on others) I'm having an issue with the VraySpawner. When starting the spawner, it creates the instance of max using the vraydummy60.max and drops it to the taskbar as it should. The problem is that a second later, the instance of max disappears and the spawner starts up a new instance.

    I have tried replacing the vraydummy60.max and vraydummy60.xml files, cleared out the network folder, restarted the machine, and even reinstalled vray (1.47.03) - and every combination of those actions, yet am still having the same problem.

    Normal backburner network rendering opperattes properly.

  • #2
    This is what the vray spawner log looks like:

    0:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    ========================== Starting new session ==========================
       1:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    Got this module name: C:\3dsmax7\vrayspawner60.exe
       2:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    Got this INI file name: C:\3dsmax7\VRaySpawner.ini
       3:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    *** ALERT! Could not open INI file: "C:\3dsmax7\VRaySpawner.ini". Using defaults.
       4:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    --
       5:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]      Dumping current settings...
       6:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]      VRaySpawner temp dir: "C:\3dsmax7\network"
       7:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]      Application name (MAX/VIZ): "C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe"
       8:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    --
       9:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    Process id is 780 (0x30c)
      10:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:27]    Executing ""C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\3dsmax7\network\vraydummy60.max"
      11:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:35]    Process id is 780 (0x30c)
      12:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:35]    Executing ""C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\3dsmax7\network\vraydummy60.max"
      13:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:43]    Process id is 780 (0x30c)
      14:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:43]    Executing ""C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\3dsmax7\network\vraydummy60.max"
      15:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:51]    Process id is 780 (0x30c)
      16:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:51]    Executing ""C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\3dsmax7\network\vraydummy60.max"
      17:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:59]    Process id is 780 (0x30c)
      18:  [2005/Oct/28|11:44:59]    Executing ""C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\3dsmax7\network\vraydummy60.max"
      19:  [2005/Oct/28|11:45:05]    Process id is 780 (0x30c)
      20:  [2005/Oct/28|11:45:05]    Executing ""C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\3dsmax7\network\vraydummy60.max"
      21:  [2005/Oct/28|11:45:11]    Process id is 780 (0x30c)
      22:  [2005/Oct/28|11:45:11]    Executing ""C:\3dsmax7\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\3dsmax7\network\vraydummy60.max"
    And it will continue writing out like that untill I stop the spawner


    • #3
      This may be of help, but when this failure is occuring, this is being repeatedly written to the Max.log file in the Network folder:

      2005/10/28 11:52:01 DBG: Starting network
      2005/10/28 11:52:01 ERR: An unexpected exception has occurred in the network renderer and it is terminating.
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: MI   0.0  progr: reading startup file "rayrc"
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: MI   0.0  progr: parsing file rayrc
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: LINK 0.0  progr: module #1 (.\shaders_standard\shaders/3dsmax7.dll) loaded
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: LINK 0.0  progr: module #2 (.\shaders_standard\shaders/subsurface.dll) loaded
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: LINK 0.0  progr: module #3 (.\shaders_standard\shaders/lume.dll) loaded
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: LINK 0.0  progr: module #4 (.\shaders_standard\shaders/physics.dll) loaded
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: LINK 0.0  progr: module #5 (.\shaders_standard\shaders/contour.dll) loaded
      2005/10/28 11:52:04 INF: LINK 0.0  progr: module #6 (.\shaders_standard\shaders/base.dll) loaded


      • #4
        Those errors appear to be related to mentalray, which makes no sense.

