I've been struggling trying to understand the units of vray lights (see http://www.chaosgroup.com/forum/phpB...pic.php?t=9157) and have come across a minor problem. Using Vlado's description that with "Normalize intensity"checked the multiplier specifies the total watts of the light source and that with it unchecked it specifies watts/square meter. So switching a 1mx1m light source between checked and unchecked should produce identical renders. For U size and V size set to 1m this works and everything matches up. But the actual SIZE of the geometry for the light source is 2 meters x 2 meters. If you set the geometry to be 1mx1m (u/v size to .5), the unchecked (normalize intensity) render comes out much dimmer.
Maybe the U/V size should correspond better to total size of the geometry.
Maybe the U/V size should correspond better to total size of the geometry.