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one dark frame

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  • one dark frame

    I rendered 701 frames this weekend using IRmap and Light cache. I had it calculate each frame because we don't have much for compositing software and there is alot of animating objects in this animation.

    Frame 306, for some reason is giving me problems. The whole thing rendered out ok, but not 306. It was very dark.

    I rendered it again this morning, and same thing. light cache is ok, but the IRmap is very dark.

    I tried rendering light cache for primary and secondary and it came out yellow.

    Any thoughts?

  • #2
    Maybe the machine which rendered that frame has no access to irradiance map or lightcache...
    My Youtube VFX Channel -
    Sonata in motion - My first VFX short film made with VRAY.
    Sunset Day - My upcoming VFX short:


    • #3
      make sure your camera isnt imbedded in an object

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        I have had the same issue, have meant to try and track it down but haven't gotten back to it. Seems like when the scene is lined up just so then there are issues. My quick solution was to render that frame with lower LC subs. In my case >1000 would not work but at <600 it worked again...
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          yeap i had the same problem , try reducing the lc samples below 600 for this frame.
          (or below what ever u used for the other frames).


          • #6
            that worked....seems really dumb that only one frame rendered like that though.

            I got a little better quality this way:

            since the neighboring frames weren't Too different I just saved the frame before it's solution and rendering that frame again.
            It's not perfect, but it looks fairly good and without getting splotchies from using less quality for my GI.


            • #7
              what worked?


              • #8
                Originally posted by gilicom
                what worked?
                Lowering the LC

                I was going to suggest using the LC from the nearest frame but wasn't sure how if it would line up well, what was the result? Some mismatch on tight details?
                Eric Boer


                • #9
                  there was some mismatch on tight details, but since the camera and objects were moving slowly there it's not possible to see one frame with a few pixels off at 30 frames a second.

                  I guess maybe if you have it blown up and are staring right in one of those details spots....ha. yeah right. Like that would ever happen.

                  This is for some builders tradeshow...Those guys will walk up, look at it, maybe watch it once, then move on

