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DR Problem

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  • DR Problem

    I made up a new post for what has migrated from Tutorials to Problems. I hope someone can help me as I have some larger images I need to get done and would love to use a couple comps for the single still images. Thanks. -

    Here's the problem -

    I made up a vrayspawner.ini file with the path to 3dsviz.exe. When I start the vrayspawner60.exe it looks like VIZ starts up goes down to the task bar and then closes suddenly and starts again and just keeps cycling like that.

    I checked the task manager and it keeps opening and then closing. What could be the problem?? Vlado?? Candelaro?? Thanks for any help.

    Regards Peter.

  • #2
    Try checking the max/viz log file in the \network folder of 3dsmax to see if it says why max/viz shuts down.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Here is a snipit

      2005/11/16 14:15:05 WRN: MI 0.0 warn 122001: standard startup file ray3rc not found
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: LINK 0.0 progr: module #1 (C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\shaders\/3dsmax.dll) loaded
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: MI 0.0 progr: parsing file C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\include\3dsmax.mi
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: LINK 0.0 progr: module #2 (C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\shaders\/base.dll) loaded
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: MI 0.0 progr: parsing file C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\include\base.mi
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: LINK 0.0 progr: module #3 (C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\shaders\/contour.dll) loaded
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: MI 0.0 progr: parsing file C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\include\contour.mi
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: LINK 0.0 progr: module #4 (C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\shaders\/lume.dll) loaded
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: MI 0.0 progr: parsing file C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\include\lume.mi
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: LINK 0.0 progr: module #5 (C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\shaders\/physics.dll) loaded
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: MI 0.0 progr: parsing file C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\include\physics.mi
      2005/11/16 14:15:05 INF: MI 0.0 progr: parsing file C:\Program Files\Autodesk VIZ 2005\mentalray\include\physics_phen.mi
      2005/11/16 14:15:11 DBG: Starting network
      2005/11/16 14:15:11 ERR: Error loading *.max file
      2005/11/16 14:15:11 DBG: Stop network

      It gives me this 3 times in a row in the \network\viz.log file???

      Please advise. The vraydummy60.max file seems to be there and fine works fine when I just open it. If I set and render it gives me a render host failed error.

      Regards Peter.


      • #4
        Have you tried the trick I outline in this post? I pretty sure it will work for you. It appears that the default vraydummy60.max and .xml is not fully compatible with viz for some reason.

        The Revitlution


        • #5
          czoog - thanks for the tip but I have never used the backburner and hence don't have an backburner xml file to replace the vraydummy60.xml file with? Do you have one that will work or does it have to be specific to my network setup?

          Seems like the same problem though keeps started closing and restarting. Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.

          Regards Peter.


          • #6
            Originally posted by pshupe68
            czoog - thanks for the tip but I have never used the backburner and hence don't have an backburner xml file to replace the vraydummy60.xml file with? Do you have one that will work or does it have to be specific to my network setup?

            Seems like the same problem though keeps started closing and restarting. Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.

            Regards Peter.
            I can send you the one we used to use (we have since upgraded to max. That may work for you, but i'm not 100%, as you might not have the same plug-ins installed etc.

            But all you have to do is start BBmanager then BBserver on your local work station, then submit a very simple job from your workstation to BB manager. When it completes you'll have a BB xml file and dummy scene you can use.

            Good luck,
            The Revitlution


            • #7
              czoog - that seems to work now. I've only tested it on a few renders and it worked 30% of the time. There aren't any errors on the render client, it just renders the whole image from the client machine.

              I have noticed that the render server hangs for while and then, on the one that worked, starts up and pitched in around 1/3 through render.

              Does the render server help out before the rendering stage? Does it help with calculations prior to rendering the image?

              Thanks for the help and hopefully it is just a matter of making sure the bitmap paths and stuff are all where they are supposed to be to have a 100% DR success rate.

              Do you have issues with some files working and some not on your render servers??

              Thanks again - Peter.

