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How to rearrange the license server setup?

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  • How to rearrange the license server setup?

    We now have 2 vray licenses installed on two separate computers. We would prefer to have the two licenses running as 1 licence-server on another (3rd) computer as floating licenses that can be used from whichever computer on the network. This 3rd computer will not have max installed. How would we go about to achieve this?
    Erik N

    "Second to the right and straight on 'till morning!"

  • #2
    Re: How to rearrange the license server setup?

    Originally posted by Erik N
    We now have 2 vray licenses installed on two separate computers. We would prefer to have the two licenses running as 1 licence-server on another (3rd) computer as floating licenses that can be used from whichever computer on the network. This 3rd computer will not have max installed. How would we go about to achieve this?
    Copy the Vray License Server (VRLServer.exe) to the 3rd machine. Fire it up, and contact Chaos directly ( for a new license key that incorporates both your licenses. Then on the first two computers, stop running the Vray License Server. When you next start using Vray from Max, you should be able to point it to the new 3rd computer for license. Voila! You now have a license server with floating licenses.


    • #3
      Erik N

      "Second to the right and straight on 'till morning!"

