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License problem (All licenses are engaged.)

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  • #16
    Well, ended up locally activating the workstations VRLServer.. which works, but oddly, now i can also connect to the other server?!

    I dont know wtf is going on.. but it works
    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


    • #17
      hi there

      we also have some troubles recently with the license-server.
      occasionally (sometimes more often) max drops the vray-license and reports that all of the vray-licenses are engaged.
      we got 10 licenses, the vrlserver runs on our file-server.
      all machines have access to the file-server.
      no anti-virus-soft or firewall installed/active, afaik.

      has anyone a clue what is going wrong here?
      thanks in advance.



      • #18
        When that happens try to ping the file servers IP address and see if it gets a response.. if it does good if not.. check network.

        Does it happen to all vray working licences at the same time? or does one go down but others continue to work?

        Also what does the vrlserver log window show?


        • #19
          Make VERY sure that on all your computers under Local Settings the decimal sign is a "." (=point) and not a ",", especially when you're in Europe !!!


          • #20
            hi DaForce

            network connections are o.k.
            in fact all was working fine for more than a year.
            it once startet from nowhere.
            the log shows the same as Dave described above: connecting and closing the licenses on the workstations. yes, it occurs to all of the workstations.
            btw. we have a mixed os network here. the licenses are on server 2k3,
            most of the workstations run on win 2k, and the render-clients are all on XP Pro/XP 64.
            but as alreday told, never had problems before.

            trick: we checked all the local settings and the pc's are all set to "."

            thx so far.



            • #21

              different OS's shouldnt matter.. and like you said.. it all worked before.
              and coming back to that. saying it all worked before really doesnt mean anything.. as something has obviously changed somewhere cause it aint working now.

              If you could try the ping test just to confirm basic network connectivity to vrlserver when it fails.

              How often does it drop?
              Often the problem is causeed by software firewalls or AV software.. can you confirm that none of that is installed on any internal machine


              • #22
                The license sever just gets clogged up sometimes and needs to be restarted. If you look at the log you will probably see a few double entries of the same IP.
                Eric Boer


                • #23
                  I just sorted through the same problem (server opened connection then immediately closed) trying to connect up a new laptop. Turns out the laptop had McAfee Security Center installed but the problem was not with the included firewall. Turned out to be a "feature" called Privacy Service. Uninstalled just the privacy service and everything is working fine now. Hopefully this helps someone in the future.

         - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                  • #24
                    we also have some troubles recently with the license-server.
                    occasionally (sometimes more often) max drops the vray-license and reports that all of the vray-licenses are engaged.
                    We've just started having the same problem. We've just 1 licence with 1 machine using it and 8 render slaves. When the license server is restarted it works again.


                    • #25
                      Same thing here. But I don't dare restarting the license server since I'm currently rendering a 9k image on it and I'm halfway. Strange thing was that it's one license and it was only accessed once from my laptop. Next time the license was occupied.


