Modelled a light, basically a cylinder with a bit of poly modelling and edge chamfering to make it resemble the light fitting.
1st render has a multi/sub material on it with the bottom part of the mesh as the vraylightmtl and the top part a plasticy type material. (its all a single mesh). Vraylightmtl is set to 20
2nd render has the same multi/sub material but the vraylightmtl has been replaced by a white vray material. And i have added a sphere vraylight just below the light fitting and have scaled the vraylight down on the Z axis so that it resembles a thin disc. The vray light has a multiplyer of 15 and 20subdivs also tested with 100subs to remove grain.
Question is, is how do i make the vraylightmtl render more "accurate" and "sharp".. more like the vraylight one. How does one control the subdivs of the vraylightmtl?? via the mesh? more faces = more subdivision for the vraylightmtl or something?
Or am I just asking too much of the vraylightmtl?
Render settings.
Adaptive QMC AA 2-5
IR: -3,-1 , 0.2,0.2,0.2 . 50,30
LC: 1000subs, sample size 0.1, Filter = fixed 0.05
No other lights in the scene.

Vraylight @ 20subs

Vraylight @ 100subs

Oh yeah... thanks
Modelled a light, basically a cylinder with a bit of poly modelling and edge chamfering to make it resemble the light fitting.
1st render has a multi/sub material on it with the bottom part of the mesh as the vraylightmtl and the top part a plasticy type material. (its all a single mesh). Vraylightmtl is set to 20
2nd render has the same multi/sub material but the vraylightmtl has been replaced by a white vray material. And i have added a sphere vraylight just below the light fitting and have scaled the vraylight down on the Z axis so that it resembles a thin disc. The vray light has a multiplyer of 15 and 20subdivs also tested with 100subs to remove grain.
Question is, is how do i make the vraylightmtl render more "accurate" and "sharp".. more like the vraylight one. How does one control the subdivs of the vraylightmtl?? via the mesh? more faces = more subdivision for the vraylightmtl or something?
Or am I just asking too much of the vraylightmtl?
Render settings.
Adaptive QMC AA 2-5
IR: -3,-1 , 0.2,0.2,0.2 . 50,30
LC: 1000subs, sample size 0.1, Filter = fixed 0.05
No other lights in the scene.

Vraylight @ 20subs

Vraylight @ 100subs

Oh yeah... thanks
