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Video as Diffuse not playing when rendered

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  • Video as Diffuse not playing when rendered

    I have a VRayMtl that has an avi file set as it's diffuse. This is then applied to one side of a cube in my scene. When I render out my scene, the avi file does not play on the side of my cube. It just holds at the first frame of the video. I've never rendered out something in VRay with a video used as a diffuse, but I assume it's possible. Could someone help walk me through the steps on how I need to set this up? Any help would be great! Thanks.

  • #2
    Make sure your time line time range is at least as long as your animation
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      not only that, but in max/vray you need to convert any avi/quicktime to frame sequence, only then it will work. You can do it through ram player even.
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Morbid Angel
        not only that, but in max/vray you need to convert any avi/quicktime to frame sequence, only then it will work. You can do it through ram player even.
        My time line range is longer than the video, so that part is okay.

        So I should output my video as an image sequence and then set that sequence as the diffuse? I've never done this, so I'm not sure how I go about doing it. Where do I specify that my diffuse is an image sequence?


        • #5
          you convert your avi to frame sequence where every frame is 1 file like frame001.tga - frame100.tga

          then when you apply a texture map to your diffuse slot and click on the first file in the same file menu there is an option to check "sequnce", this will bring all files at a specified range.
          Dmitry Vinnik
          Silhouette Images Inc.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Morbid Angel
            you convert your avi to frame sequence where every frame is 1 file like frame001.tga - frame100.tga

            then when you apply a texture map to your diffuse slot and click on the first file in the same file menu there is an option to check "sequnce", this will bring all files at a specified range.
            Ah I see, thanks for the help!

