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Network Render and what not .....again....

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  • Network Render and what not .....again....

    Ok...I fixed the polymorphic render thingy.......See easrlier post... lol....Now....

    I have 1800 frames to render ina a couple days........and I Use all 10 servers and I have a 89 meg IR map that I am using...........If I render to my machine locally the frames look great.........If I Redner a single frame to another looks Great.......If I send all the frame stoo all the servers....It looks like hell......Dark..........Dark....Dark......

    I am using 1.46 because I still have missing bitmap issues......Any help is greatly appreciated.....

    Eric Camper
    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D

  • #2
    Ok......Here is the deal.......More details for you gurus... hehe

    I have 9 servers that I ma using on my farm...... Two of them have Licensed vray and Viz. The rest are just workhorses....Varying from 2.4ghz to 3.4 and from 512-2gb Ram.... When I render a frame to my machine locally...which s the fastest Dual Xeon and 3Gb....I get the result I am looking for......But when I render over the network.....My machine looks like the others....It looks darker...shadows are completely black and the only image that looks correct is the other machine that is licensed.....The frame should render in 10 minutes each and they are renderings in under 3.....The images LOOK correct, except for the darkness...NOW I am settling because I can just set up a batch file in PS to brighten and contract the images and I thik they actually look I need to fix this in the future.........Thanx all..I need to go home now, so if anyone need smore info...I will log on later....Thanx again.....I can post some images later on for a looksy...


    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D


    • #3
      it sounds like your render nodes cant see your irmap.
      had that dosens of times.
      vray doesnt fill in the servername by itself, like max does.

      for excample:
      it makes v:\map\irmap.vrmap
      instead of
      \\servername\share\map\irmap.vrmap (so your nodes will find the file)

      vray also does that with vrmeshes as proxies. Defenitly something to be aware of.

      Maybe something in the wishlist for the next build?

      hope it helps,


      • #4
        should I just copy the ir map locally to each machine or include it in the maps directory....or you mean type in the server name the way it is on the network
        Eric Camper
        Studio 3D


        • #5
          type in the server name, like in the network.


          • #6
            Cool...Trying right now......Hehe..its funny...I actually like the WRONG IMAGES better after I fix them in Photoshop...My scene is too bright and doesnn't show thing the way I wanted them too...BUT....deadlin is approaching and client will not know any better anyways........

            Thanx...I will still post some more...


            Eric Camper
            Studio 3D


            • #7
              yeah be careful specifying a UNC path \\servername and not for example h:// if ur server is called h, unc pathes are primordial, DR can produce some crazy stuff with that problem also.

              good luck

