I'm trying to do a scene that is basically all white (i.e no bitmaps) but I am running into problems with displacement and antialiasing problems. Here's the rendered image and a few settings:

I'm trying to acheivce the different materials through a displacement map (for both the bricks and the vertical siding). As you can see it turns out a little weird. First, the weird displacement of the bricks is obviously related to the triangulation of the mesh but I don't know how to fix it. I know if I switch to 2D displacement it clears up but I can't do that because the bricks need to wrap around corners. Any suggestions? There was a thread a couple weeks back that suggested placing a meshsmooth modifier with a .99 smoothing value and operate on triangles but this didn't help. Anyone have any other ideas?
The second problem deals with what are the best setting for antialiasing the lines in the vertical siding (also done through a 2D displacement map). If I turn up the Max rate to like 4 and drop the threshold it clears it up but it takes forever. Similarly the times go up if I switch to Fixed or QMC. I have normals checked but don't really know what the spinner values next to it represent (doesn't seem to be mentioned in the help file)
BTW-The model is a linked dwg file. There's a direct light with Vray shadows, environment light, IMap/LC (medium/700).
Thanks, David

I'm trying to acheivce the different materials through a displacement map (for both the bricks and the vertical siding). As you can see it turns out a little weird. First, the weird displacement of the bricks is obviously related to the triangulation of the mesh but I don't know how to fix it. I know if I switch to 2D displacement it clears up but I can't do that because the bricks need to wrap around corners. Any suggestions? There was a thread a couple weeks back that suggested placing a meshsmooth modifier with a .99 smoothing value and operate on triangles but this didn't help. Anyone have any other ideas?
The second problem deals with what are the best setting for antialiasing the lines in the vertical siding (also done through a 2D displacement map). If I turn up the Max rate to like 4 and drop the threshold it clears it up but it takes forever. Similarly the times go up if I switch to Fixed or QMC. I have normals checked but don't really know what the spinner values next to it represent (doesn't seem to be mentioned in the help file)
BTW-The model is a linked dwg file. There's a direct light with Vray shadows, environment light, IMap/LC (medium/700).
Thanks, David