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black splotches

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  • black splotches

    some frames of an animation have small black spots, here and there, random, over the reflective surfaces.
    I post just 2 frames, for example:

    I've used lc (with glossy reflections) and irr map.

    Does somebody know this bug?

    P.s. During the irr map prepasses I get many messages
    "warning: material returned overbright or invalid color..."
    but I don't have ANY surface overbright (as you can see from the images)

    ... maybe this is the bug?


  • #2
    Nah its not a bug it could be something else causing the spots to appear there. It may not necessarily be the metal.

    If you get many messages of overbright then there is something wrong in your scene. Are you using any raytrace maps? Also make sure EVERYTHING a UVW map to be safe.

    How are you lighting that scene? And do you have any vraylights that intersect geometry?


    • #3
      Hello Da-Force,
      I've used a HDR sky.
      I've done some tests, and now I'm sure that theese black spots appear when I get the 'overbright material' messages.
      I've also used the same HDR for reflections, but with a colorcorrect, and sometimes it seem to be the colorcorrect to cause the messages appear...
      I'll do some other test.

