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Please help me, slow rendering with precalc IRR+LC

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  • Please help me, slow rendering with precalc IRR+LC


    I did a big research before attempting to annoy you all, but I'm starting to
    run short on time for my deadline, and for the first time I can't tell my boss
    if it's gonna be or not ok (lots of stress/pressure actually...)

    I did 2 projects before this one, with precalculated IRR+LC, everything did
    go as it should, I read a lot of nice advices and comments and I also followed
    the tutorial to learn how to proceed. But this time, the project won't render
    as it should.

    Let me explain in short sentences (I tend to talk too much..)

    I have an interior to render, with lots of textures but not many polys,
    to avoid flickering during the flythrough (no object moving just the camera
    inside the rooms) I follow the precalc tutorial.

    the thing is that once I render with the precalc map, it renders slower
    than if I do it directly with IRR and LC (or IRR and QMC)

    I don't get it.

    I would like to render a 500 frames animation, the camera is panning really
    slowly, so I calculated each 100frames the IRR with the previously calculated

    once the file is precalculated I put the IRR in the first bounce and nothing
    in the second, I apply verylow preset for IRR, and choose from file.

    I click render and it goes slower than without using precalculated file,
    I can't understand why, it's really annoying me cause I'm no VRAY pro
    and I can't spot where the mistake I did is.

    here is the actual test render settings: (sorry for the big size )

    there is 2 vray lights in the scenes and quite a lot OMNIS (shadow map)
    the lighting is exactly what I was looking for, and when I clicked render
    to preview what I did, it was going from 9 to 13mn, it was the maximum
    I could have because I knew the time would be less when the scene will
    be rendered with precalc IRR+LC.

    now, I got 28mn a frame with the flythrough method, I think I did something
    wrong but I can't find where.

    I tested with really low antialiasing, and very low preset in irradiance,
    nothing changed what am I doing wrong

    I'm really thankful for your help (so is my Boss)
    best regards.

  • #2 it loading the correct solution? did u check it?double check?...hapened to me before
    if yes then i would advise u to load the irmap in the irmapviewer and chek ur samples...
    are u cheking the second bounce to none when rendering the ouptut?
    Nuno de Castro
    00351 917593145


    • #3
      Hi Ene.xis

      I did twice the precalc process to be sure that I followed as I should
      instructions for flythrough, it actually works nicely with other scenes
      where the camera fly in a hall to another room, but for this particular
      one I can't understand why it's so much time consuming

      I never used the IRMAPVIEWER, I'll check if everything is ok as you

      The second bounce is to NONE yes, but even if I let LC in it, it seems
      the time for render stay the same

      Something is not going well maybe with the IRR calculation

      I'll retry everything from precalc to render to see once again if everything
      is done as it should.

      Thanks a lot for your answer, I really appreciate, I'm starting to get
      really stressed out by the deadline coming fast (this Friday)


      • #4
        V-Ray irradiance map viewer EXEcutable file

        The link is broken?


        • #5
          I lowered a lot the settings in the VRay parameters and now it does about
          15minutes per frame.

          I'm still a little bit higher than without the precalc render, I still don't get it


          • #6
            How large is your irradiance map?

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Hi Vlado

              the IRR map is 26mb (the lightcache was 164mb), it seems things are going
              better, rendering a frame is arround 15mn now (and it's slowly going faster
              from what it seems)

              the scene isn't that big, and not very heavy in polys, I admit I have big
              textures, but it seems there is no memory problems. (and the texture are
              about 50mb all together)

              I wish I could post a picture, the GI looks really nice, I lowered a lot the
              Antialiasing (-3 / 1 ) but it's not that obvious after some composition
              (the room is really dirty and pretty much trashed, dirt textures etc...)

              thanks a lot for your help Vlado, I really appreciate

              I'm rendering few frames to be sure there is no flickering or something
              else, but from what I can actually see on the various comp I'm rendering
              everything is fine. (I just wish the render time will drop to 10mn/frame
              that would be great )

              I render this scene through Backburner on 3 Dual CPU comp, and
              another simple comp to help things getting faster.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MediaDream
                Thanks a lot for your answer, I really appreciate, I'm starting to get
                really stressed out by the deadline coming fast (this Friday)
                hehe...we all know how s that like
                now what i meant was if the path of the irmap was correct...if it is, well i guess that there might be some problem with ur precalc irmap...
                hope u sort it out amd please do post some of those shots
                Nuno de Castro

                00351 917593145


                • #9
                  I did few frames now and it's rendering around 16mn per frame.

                  I'm still trying to make the render goes faster, now it'll need approximatively
                  2 days to render on 3 DUAL comp, not bad since the quality is good for my
                  humble low VRay skills

                  but the thing I'm still wondering is why it takes as much as if I didn't precalc
                  the IRR+LC (?), well at least I have no flickering


                  • #10

                    I switched off the motion blur and now it renders around 6mn/frame

                    since there is no big camera movement I'm thinking about leaving it that

                    or maybe playing with the camera motion blur values to get a decend MB
                    with a decent render speed


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MediaDream
                      but the thing I'm still wondering is why it takes as much as if I didn't precalc
                      the IRR+LC (?)
                      it really sounds like a bad irmap
                      Nuno de Castro

                      00351 917593145


                      • #12

                        everything is going nicely, average frame render is 5mn20sec so I'm not
                        affraid anymore to finish this for Friday.

                        another question though, I have a little problem with glossy/shiny objects,
                        do I have to put the light cache in secound bounce to avoid this problem?

                        here is a small sample - 16kb where we can see problems only on shiny mat.
                        it's a quicktime file. (sorry for the small croped video and weird aspect ratio It's 16/9)

                        or is it a problem with the very low antialiasing settings I have?

                        Adaptive subdivision:
                        Min. rate: -3 Max. rate: 1

                        Antialiasing filter:
                        default (area size 1.5)

                        Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate


                        • #13
                          it s too small to see anything
                          if u set the second bounce to none u have to make sure u turned off the "use lightcache for glossy rays" off, otherwise this CAN produce high rendertimes...
                 can also be related to AA since its hard to get it right in those very bright spots...
                          Nuno de Castro

                          00351 917593145


                          • #14
                            Thanks a lot for your help Ene.xis, it's hard to say I know I understand
                            but I really can't post anything bigger

                            It's just this shiny noise that is only over shiny materials that actually
                            does the probleme, this is the only area with a problem on the render,
                            except this it's all good

                            I'm thinking about rendering a pass with just the luster and composite it
                            over the rendered scene, to avoid rendering all from start.

                            I'm not sure what is the reason of this artifact.


                            • #15
                              maybe try more subdivs on your metal shader - like 30 in reflect

