in this image you will see some strange banding (hilighted with the red arrows). This is happening at the edge of a large vray light that is floating in the middle of the space and casting light both up and down. I just need some general ambient lighting for the space. But, i don't want this edge band to occur. Any suggestions for fixing it?
the vray light is set to:
ignore light normals
mult: 4.5
store with irrad. map
(i have tried it with smooth surface shadows turned on and off and still get the same results)

for rendering, i am using irrad map + QMC. is this happening because of rendering settings that i may be using or is it because of settings with the light?
the vray light is set to:
ignore light normals
mult: 4.5
store with irrad. map
(i have tried it with smooth surface shadows turned on and off and still get the same results)

for rendering, i am using irrad map + QMC. is this happening because of rendering settings that i may be using or is it because of settings with the light?