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can't render animation(it's all black!!!)

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  • can't render animation(it's all black!!!)

    hi there

    I downloaded the new vray demo (1.47.18 ) to try it out but I've run into a major snag.

    When I create my materials, the sample swatches in the material editor is black, but I can see the materials on the objects in the scene.

    The major snag is when I render the animation, I get 0 warnings and 1 error, what error that might be I can only guess and ofcourse to top it all off , my rendered animation is nothing but black screen!?

    Is there anybody out there that might have an answer for me? [/u]

  • #2
    For your material editor, choose V-Ray as renderer... the materials' spheres are also being rendered to show in the ME.
    About the rest, give more info. Is there a light at all ?

    Best regards,
    nikki Candelero
    .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


    • #3
      no , no lights what so ever just a plane with a simcloth3 modifier and a box with letters cutout.


      • #4
        Send me the scene the way you have it < File - Archive > to < >

        Best regards,
        nikki Candelero
        .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.

