Rendered an interior today with IRRmap + lightcache GI, qmc AA, and it looked fine. Then I tried (just for fun) to render it with Vlados universal settings instead just to see how much longer it would take/how much better it would look. The only thing I changed was the rendersettings, to qmc AA 1-100, adaptive amount 1.0, and noise threshold 0,001 etc.
But now the render is much darker than before, and has some colored splotches that wasnt there in the IRRmap+lightcache render.
Just to make sure, I changed the rendersettings back to IRRmap etc and it renders fine again.
I just thought this was abit strange... any idea why this happened??
I use lwf by the way... but I dont see how this would have any impact...
best regards
Rendered an interior today with IRRmap + lightcache GI, qmc AA, and it looked fine. Then I tried (just for fun) to render it with Vlados universal settings instead just to see how much longer it would take/how much better it would look. The only thing I changed was the rendersettings, to qmc AA 1-100, adaptive amount 1.0, and noise threshold 0,001 etc.
But now the render is much darker than before, and has some colored splotches that wasnt there in the IRRmap+lightcache render.
Just to make sure, I changed the rendersettings back to IRRmap etc and it renders fine again.
I just thought this was abit strange... any idea why this happened??
I use lwf by the way... but I dont see how this would have any impact...
best regards