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background is showing through image

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  • background is showing through image

    Any ideas? i've never seen this before. The background image (viewport image) is showing through the model! please help? thanks.

  • #2
    Is your background set to "Screen" and does everything have some reflections including the brick? If so it's actually correct. You'll need to replace your reflection with something that's set to spherical or cylindrical, etc. You can leave the background as is and just change the Reflection slot in the VRay environment rollout.

    David - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


    • #3
      so, I just noticed that I had unchecked the overide max environment in vray, so re-checking it made it go away. I had rendered it with environment off before, and it should render fine iwth it off. See fixed below. Very odd...

      I'm still not sure I understand why this started happening. I was doing some "crop" renders, and it just started happening.


      • #4
        Very odd...
        Not at all :P That´s expected behaviour actually. You have you´re environment slot set to a background image that is set to screen mapping. That means that reflections look like transparency.

        As soon as you use the environment override this wont happen as you most likely got a proper env-map in there

