I am rendering the same scene on two computers. Computer A has 1.5.
Computer B has 1.47. LC is set to 400 subs on both. Computer B renders
as expected. Computer A takes forever to build the LC. I actually canceled it after about 30 minutes and very little progress. Is there something different with LC in 1.5 ? Any help would be great. I really do need the speed of lightcache.
BTW....both computers are equal set ups. And the scene is pretty heavily populated. Almost no white.
Computer B has 1.47. LC is set to 400 subs on both. Computer B renders
as expected. Computer A takes forever to build the LC. I actually canceled it after about 30 minutes and very little progress. Is there something different with LC in 1.5 ? Any help would be great. I really do need the speed of lightcache.
BTW....both computers are equal set ups. And the scene is pretty heavily populated. Almost no white.