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Large scene crash

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  • Large scene crash

    I have a really big scene that's crashing on me. I'm getting the following error when rendering:

    In the Vray log this happens after "Compiling render instances geometry."

    Any suggestions? I mean, besides buying more RAM?

    - Geoff

  • #2
    try using dynamic memory allocation and tune the limit...does the trick mostly.



    • #3
      try using dynamic memory allocation and tune the limit...does the trick mostly.
      it would be very nice if VRay would do this automatically.
      if it reaches for example 90% of available RAM then start the disc caching procedure (or delete information in RAM, initiate dynamic memory allocation and start alover again, alway better then a crash)
      In my opinion alot of crashes could be avoided with this....including yours

      or isn't this technically possible ?



      • #4
        i am not sure if it would be possible. With "Static" setting it preloads everything into the ram...and i dont think it can predict how much additional ram is needed during tracing. Static is set as default as it is of course lot faster in many cases.

        Vlado ?



        • #5
          The switch seems to have done the trick (for now at least)!

          - Geoff


          • #6
            and i dont think it can predict how much additional ram is needed during tracing. Static is set as default as it is of course lot faster in many cases.
            it hasn't to predict additional ram needed, the only thing it should do is when for example 80% of total RAM is used (Vray knows its memory usage, otherwise the dynamic memory feature couldn't work) it should stop, remove caculated information and start alover again in dynamic memory mode with automatic generated settings based on this 80% RAM.

            of course this will take some extra rendertime however on a 1 hour frametime 1 minute extra precalculation is no problem at all
            I prefer extra rendertime over a hardcrash, even if that extra rendertime means 200%.....


            • #7
              Well, vray doesnt know how much memory it will require during calculations. In order to do what you mean it would always have to be in a somewhat dynamic mode...wich helps on big scenes of course, but it would make many cases render a LOT slower...comparisons of bigger scenes that still work in static mode show pretty crazy rendertime differences :/



              • #8
                I agree that for smaller scenes static memory is the way to go, but I doubt that monitoring RAM usage during pre-calculations will have a big impact on rendertime in static mode..

