Problem #1: I've got DR running with 1.5 and as long as I render a simple scene it's fine. I started adding a physical camera and suddenly the spawner failed on the other machines. It doesn't matter if the image being render is looking through that camera or not, if it's in the scene it fails. Same scene without the camera but with a VRay Sun and Sky render fine too.
Problem #2 (Small): When rendering using DR and the normal Max/Viz Render Window, the names of all of the buckets don't show up on my local machine. I've got a dual 270 so I should have four buckets plus whatevers going on on other DR servers. During the Irr. Map phase (not the final rendering phase) it starts out showing the four buckets but as the first four finish the white box around each bucket drops away and only one bucket is shown with the box and label. The other buckets are being worked on (you can see the irr. map updating), they just don't have a label. Once it gets to the final rendering stage everything returns to normal. If you render using the Vray VFB everything seems fine.

Problem #2 (Small): When rendering using DR and the normal Max/Viz Render Window, the names of all of the buckets don't show up on my local machine. I've got a dual 270 so I should have four buckets plus whatevers going on on other DR servers. During the Irr. Map phase (not the final rendering phase) it starts out showing the four buckets but as the first four finish the white box around each bucket drops away and only one bucket is shown with the box and label. The other buckets are being worked on (you can see the irr. map updating), they just don't have a label. Once it gets to the final rendering stage everything returns to normal. If you render using the Vray VFB everything seems fine.