hi to everyone!
i m spending this last days messing with RC2 after some relaxing holydays and benn delighted with all the new stuff in this build! it s really an excellent product!i m most proud of my beloved Vray capabilities!
Congratulations Chaos team!
now i m having some doubts with few things mostly about units...
i ve got this scene i ve been messing with and i f i use 40 watts vraylights the light intensity is so high that i ve got to reduce so much the vrayphycam exposure that the sun+sky outside (remaining with the intesity at 1) becomes completely dark...however if i reduce the 40watts vray lights to 0,4watts its close to wat i would expect....?should i change my working units?

F stop: 5.6
shutter speed: 40
ISO: 400

F stop: 5.6
shutter speed: 3100
ISO: 400
any help apreciated!
thanx in advance
i m spending this last days messing with RC2 after some relaxing holydays and benn delighted with all the new stuff in this build! it s really an excellent product!i m most proud of my beloved Vray capabilities!

Congratulations Chaos team!
now i m having some doubts with few things mostly about units...
i ve got this scene i ve been messing with and i f i use 40 watts vraylights the light intensity is so high that i ve got to reduce so much the vrayphycam exposure that the sun+sky outside (remaining with the intesity at 1) becomes completely dark...however if i reduce the 40watts vray lights to 0,4watts its close to wat i would expect....?should i change my working units?

F stop: 5.6
shutter speed: 40
ISO: 400

F stop: 5.6
shutter speed: 3100
ISO: 400
any help apreciated!
thanx in advance
