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Light Leak

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  • #16
    Sorry, mind sending one @ lele at ?

    A lot more confortable to check from home.



    • #17
      - Geoff


      • #18
        After opening your file, changing your IR map settings back to the low preset and put LC as the 2nd bounce, it renders on my X2 4400 @640x480 in 3mins.
        The light leak is still kinda there but i am fairly certain its mesh related.
        So to confirm you were getting 1hr render times @ 640x480?? what were your render settings?


        • #19
          I will have a further look tonight. As checking it out via VNC is tedious to say the least..

          But by doing what i said above the light leaks is alot less. Just need to check the mesh abit and should be sorted


          • #20
            Hmmm ok its all about the IR map.. you need to use higher min max settings to get it nice and sharp.
            I joined all the mesh and weld all vertices and it didnt really make any difference, i will rebuild the mesh just to be sure.

            But if you raise the min and max to say -3/0 it will be alot better. Seems odd tho, i think its mainly because that area is being light be indirect light only. If you had the sun coming thru there it wouldnt be such an issue.


            • #21
              I received the scene, and i *think* i fixed it.
              A) Shelled every piece of geometry (it's never a good idea to have open geometry with coincident vertices. As Dmitry said, better to have CLOSED geometry at all times. hence the shell modifier)
              B) Made sure the end vertices of the beams penetrate the walls
              C) Re-applied smoothing to most meshes
              D) Set GI to IRMap/LC : IRMap high presets, customised to have a -7/0 min/max settings, 50/20 hSubds/interp, turned on check sample visibility.
              Result below rendered in 3.35 on a single AthlonXP 2 ghz 1GB ram.

              Simbiont isn't installed here, and those procedurals can be extremely slow to render. Try and render out the 2D maps, rather than using the simbiont map/material.



              • #22
                Lele put a camera right near the door to see who accurate the shadows are. All that was really need was higher Irmap settings.

                But yeah the geometry need some work toon


                • #23
                  Aye, you were right, mate.
                  Needed some more point welding to get it right.
                  crop here rendered in 1:08 on my old hag.

                  Oh, i inserted a box to check accuracy against the door corners.



                  • #24
                    Lele, these settings are GREAT!

                    The original scene actually renders quicker than your edited version though. (at 320x240 yours: 2:42, original: 2:26)

                    And, if I'm not mistaken, these settings will work fine with animated objects and people in the scene as well, so I won't have to comp them in.


                    And thanks again.
                    - Geoff


                    • #25
                      they will as long as you'll set the LC and IRmap modes to animation.
                      If you have animated characters, i'd suggest a more brute force approach, with a nice IRMap+QMC PER FRAME.
                      New each time.
                      When settings are good, it should hold its ground against flickering fairly easily.



                      • #26
                        Yeah its ALOT better now. Thats about the point i got too.
                        But its still not 100% well not as sharp as QMC anyway, but heck its ALOT quicker.

                        You probabaly dont need the IRmap to be -7/0 tho.. maybe -3 or even -2 might well be enough.


                        • #27
                          One thing i noticed about having the min settings so low, is that the IRMap will distribute samples in a VERY adaptive way.
                          Big, flat, diffuse areas will get progressively less sampling as we move towards the max rate, and create large areas in the process, avoiding splotchiness.
                          The really "hard" sampling at this point is only done in areas that need it, and i can normally afford it better, this way.
                          Often, sampling an area at -3 is WAY too much.
                          Do have a try and see if it works the same on your side.



                          • #28
                            true, plus in my tests the time difference was negligable.. like a few seconds on a 1 min render.
                            Might be more noticeably slower on a render with textures and detail tho.


                            • #29
                              Aye, if the detail (geometric, that is. haven't seen textures change the way IRMap works, but that may be due to my shit renders, lol) is greeble-like, then it's a lot better to start with a higher min rate.
                              In normal archviz situations though, it does work nicely


