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vray 1.5 rc2 banding problems

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  • vray 1.5 rc2 banding problems

    i have a problem with strong banding in reflections.
    i remember that it was connected to licensing.

    it shows a black surface with fresnel reflections mirroring a vray-area light.

    i remember that banding problems were connected to licensing.
    as i haven´t received my dongle yet, i´m using the cgauth60.dll that chaos sent.


  • #2
    Did you try setting your reflection cutoff to 0.0?

    regards, Michael
    This signature is only a temporary solution


    • #3
      aye, it looks more of a cutoff issue than anything else: it's a very faint reflection...
      As a counterproof, try and brighten them, and see if they do the same.



      • #4
        the reflection is not so faint.
        and the banding is still visible with cut-off set to 0.
        here´s a slightly bigger region of the image ( unfortunately i cannot the show the uncropped image), cut-off set to 0


        • #5
          each band is varying by 1 point of gray in the first image, and 2 points of gray in the second.
          Toggling clamping does change anything?
          Also, for brighten them up, i meant considerably, where the reflection would approach a visible colour of around 192 or thereabout.
          It's not like i have the answer, hey, i'm simply poking to try and understand better.



          • #6
            I ran over it with a colour picker and each band you're getting only has a variation in colour of 002 between each shade - one is 60,60,60 the next is 62,62,62 next is 64,64,64 and so on so you haven't really got a lot of space to work with between each - definitely use 16 bit images for starters but the only thing I can really suggest is to add some grain to break it up - in this case I think it'll be the only way to disguise the banding. Otherwise as Lele mentioned you may have to higher your reflection level or use a custom falloff curve so that there's more range in the reflection going from weak to strong.

            I think you may be hitting a limitation of 8 bit images more than anything else.


            • #7
              I think you are definetly running into a limitation with 8 bit color. you have a real shallow range of greys over a broad area. if you sampled those colors and tried creating a ramp in photoshop the same size I bet it would band up too. Like everyone else said, you can try to increase the contrast of your reflections to introduce a broader range of grey into that surface.

              V Miller


              • #8
                Yep, what people said - the grey levels are simply too close to each other (banding due to licensing issues looks in a different way).

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #9
                  thanks guys,
                  i hadn´t looked at it that way. of course there is not much room for smooth interpolation.
                  i came to a acceptable solution combining 16-bit and some noise.


