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Dirt not showing up in reflections.

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  • Dirt not showing up in reflections.

    Metal is just a basic glossy shader, grass is a mix in the diffuse with an edited curve, vray dirt is 75mm radius, 16subd & nothing special.

    Is this just because of the way it works, or is there a way around I should be using?

  • #2
    odd, indeed.
    Try and bake the dirtmap?
    It should solve the issue, and make the rendering considerably faster...



    • #3
      is the metal 100% reflective?
      Nuno de Castro
      00351 917593145


      • #4
        Originally posted by ene.xis
        is the metal 100% reflective?
        150 value (out of 255), and baking will be pretty awkward for that patch.


        • #5
          hum...and ur dirtmap is in the diffuse slot, right?
          maybe i d instanceded it to the ref slot and see if it helps....?
          Nuno de Castro

          00351 917593145


          • #6
            I think you would need a dirtmap in the reflection slot, not just the diffuse. If you put it in the diffuse, it will only affect the base color of the object, but the "dirty" areas will still be just as reflective as the "clean" areas.


            • #7
              not sure if your getting what he might be trying to say. the dirt isnt visable in the reflection. all i see in the reflection is green. where is the dirt.

              MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
              stupid questions the forum can answer.


              • #8
                i might be off the track, but i think he means something different. Looking at the screenie it looks like he used the vraydirt map to blend the grass to a dirt material. and if you look in the reflection in the pole then only the grass part is reflected, not the dirt part.

                hmm...what version are you using ? might be a problem with the mix map. If you are on 1.5 you might wanna give the blend material a try.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by instinct
                  hmm...what version are you using ? might be a problem with the mix map. If you are on 1.5 you might wanna give the blend material a try.
                  Spot on description, and using 1.5

                  I was going with other methods at first, but as some of you may have found out - if you put your GI settings up too high and the subdivisions on your dirt is too low, it starts killing off your dirt
                  I was using the mixing curve to push it out and get a large black area, otherwise it just ends up too slight with the grass still there and a slight brown fade over it.

                  While its not as issue anymore (new camera angle, so its hardly noticable) its still something I may need to get around again.


                  • #10
                    There is a check box in VRayDirt "ignore for GI", which you may want to turn OFF in that case.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vlado
                      There is a check box in VRayDirt "ignore for GI", which you may want to turn OFF in that case.
                      Its already off on all of my dirt shaders, sorry, forgot to mention that in the OP.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Da_elf
                        not sure if your getting what he might be trying to say.

                        sorry misread....
                        Nuno de Castro

                        00351 917593145

