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glass cabinet corners

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  • glass cabinet corners

    hi all i'm working on an exhibition space with some glass cabinets, which have seamless corners, I have modelled the glass as one object and also as four seperate sides with 45degree angles joining them (if you know what I mean) but I seem to be getting these strange light beams in the corners anyone know ho I can avoid these?

    Thanks Dom

  • #2
    Hey. Does the glass have depth or just planes? Also, show us your glass material please.
    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


    • #3
      I'm wondering if you have a white exit color set in your refractions. That could cause that. Also you might want to up the max depth up on the reflection and refraction. 10 or 15 might be good.

      V Miller


      • #4
        yep what they said.

        1. make sure the glass has thickness..not just a plane
        2. show us your glass material
        3. try increasing the max depth of your glass material

        I would model the glass as on big piece. You would get better refraction that way.


        • #5
          thanks for the reply guys - this one is one whole object (spline then outlined and extruded up); as per this image

          and the material is;

          nothing fancy just made it see through and reflective really, could it be because the diffuse colour is white, although when I set the diffuse to black it comes out like tinted glass

          i've also modelled the glass as four seperate objects like this;

          but still get the same results

          thanks Dom


          • #6
            Originally posted by domi
            could it be because the diffuse colour is white, although when I set the diffuse to black it comes out like tinted glass
            Yes, that is because of the diffuse color.

            (*) Make the "cage" of simple boxes, with slight chamfers on the edges, so each box represents each side - the way it would be done in real life.
            (*) Use the fog color and multiplier for your material setup.
            (*) Set the diffuse color a bit darker than your fog one (20-30% darker)

            Best regards,
            nikki Candelero
            .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


            • #7
              thanks Nikki , I'll give them ago

