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VRayBlendMtl - diffuse color Blend Material question

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  • VRayBlendMtl - diffuse color Blend Material question

    Vlado has stated that the Blend material is ideal for layering shaders, the primary example being car paint. In his notes he states that the base layer is glossy and has the paint's diffuse color, and the first coat material might simulate the clearcoat by being black and having hard reflections.

    However, the blending amount, set by the little color swatch, will cause the coat material to override the base material - to replace it. So if the base coat is red, the black clearcoat will blend black color into the red to the extent that the coat material is "turned on" via the color swatch. Blending black with a bright color is clearly not what I would want. Obviously there is an "additive" switch in the shader that would be one solution, but Vlado clearly advises against using additive mode in cases like this. So what is the proper way to do it?


    Jim Lammers
    Trinity Animation, Inc.