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licensing issues

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  • licensing issues

    Let me first say that I can certainly appreciate a developer’s desire to fight piracy. Especially a popular program like Vray.

    But... I have yet to experience a painless install of Vray. I'm talking about a stand-alone version with no special conditions.

    I had MAX8 running Vray1.5RC2 running fine with the modified DLL since I never received a dongle. That sure wasn't painless.

    Tonight I installed MAX9 x64 and Vray 1.5RC3 x64 on the same machine and now neither version will render. I thought I was doing the right thing by testing an install before bringing it into a production role. I never anticipated that Vray would stop working platform-wide.

    This waiting around for personal emails and timezones is a frustrating method of authorization. What needs to happen here? I NEED HELP URGENTLY!
    - Darrin -

  • #2
    Have you tried replacing the cgauth file with the one you received to run RC2? If you have, DON'T!
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      replacing the RC1/2 cgauth file will actually break Vray RC3 AFAIK.
      When you install it you just choose software dongle instead of hardware and all that stuff is taken care of for you.

      When you say neither version will render what do you mean? when you choose vray as your render in the render panel, and click on the renderer tab does vray show an auth error in the auth tab or does it show all the proper settings/options?


      • #4
        I did try replacing the cgauth60.dll file with the R2 version, with no luck. The MAX9 build has a different directory as it is the 64-bit version and the filename is cgauth90.dll

        I also chose the software version of the install. Once I realized that the MAX8 + Vray1.5R2 no longer worked, I installed the R3 version. It had problems cleaning up the R2 version so I have no idea where to turn next.

        I suppose I could unistall VRay completely and hope that the older R2 build will reinstall using Vlado's email cgauth60.dll. At least I can get some work done.

        What time of day is best to count on a quicker response on an email to Vlado or Tedi?
        - Darrin -


        • #5
          For the rc3 software dongle to work you need a working licence thru the vrlserver as that is what it uses. If you dont have that then your kind of stuck.

          Time of day.. well depends where you are ..timezone..etc..etc..
          If you have sent them an email they should respond to it ASAP


          • #6
            I really appreciate the citizen support in lieu of official support. This forum has helped me out of many a jam. It’s too bad some of these critical issues rely on such a cobbled together collection of tales of woe.

            What I’ve done to get back to work is to uninstall both builds of Vray (MAX8 & MAX9-64) and reinstalled R2. I just used the patched DLL and auth code from a prior email. At least I can render.

            With the various types of installation that Vray allows, coupled with the different licensing methods used in prior releases, I’m afraid my brain has trouble keeping up. I remember when you used to have to run a server service independently of max. Now I’m assuming that it runs automatically? I’ve never needed to float licenses or anything too advanced to necessitate learning the inner workings of VRLServer. Is there a primer available that explains the system with these newer builds?

            Thanks again to those that have offered some assistance.
            - Darrin -


            • #7

              After all of my stomping and fussing here, I have to say...

              I just received a telephone call from Tedi! I was really excited. We worked through the issues I was having. So now I'm up and running with both versions of MAX under Vray 1.5R3.

              The issue was that the installer for the x64 version of R3 did not create or copy the VRFLServer.ini file to the sister folder "Program Files". That's my guess since merely copying it from the "Program Files (x86)" tree solved the licensing error.

              Many thanks to Tedi for making the transcontinental phone call.
              - Darrin -


              • #8
                ahhh yeah!!! oops didnt pay enough attention to see your on xp64.. sorry would have sorted it earlier

                Good to hear your up and running


                • #9
                  Do not overwrite the < cgauth > coming with RC2 over the installation of RC3. That leads to crashing MAX when you attempt to open the Render menu !

                  Just run the RC3 installation and choose <Software license>

                  Best regards,
                  nikki Candelero
                  .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


                  • #10
                    Same Prob

                    Hi All Im having a similar problem, I was testing 1.5 RC3 x86 for Max 8 & 9 but when I installed this I had a problem with the licence its no longer can find it.

                    Im still using the cgauth60.dll with the RC2 & Max 8 that works just fine, its just the upgrade to RC3 thats a problem.

                    Also if I install RC2 with the cgauth60.dll fix and then also install Max 9 with 1.5 RC3 thats fine, but all goes wrong again if I install RC3 to my Max 8. That even stops Max 9 - RC3 working.

                    Any ideas?

                    Simon Askham - Rendering with Threadripper 2990WX Asus Prime X399 36GB DDR4


                    • #11
                      Got there in the end

                      Just got it sorted, it was just a matter of doing all in the correct order:

                      1: Install 1.5 RC2 & use the cgauth60.dll fix if you dont have a dongle. "Or start with this all ready installed,"

                      2: Install 1.5 RC3 for Max 8

                      3: Install 1.5 RC3 for Max 9

                      4: Also make sure you have Installed 1.5 RC3 for Max 9 on the machine that you are running the licence server file "vrlserver.exe" You will have to stick a new shortcut to your startup folder if you want this to autostart on boot.

                      Run max and see if it can see the vlserver.exe if not enter the ip add for where the vlrserver.exe is running.

                      Next steps are for Max 9 & DR:

                      5: Make sure BackBurner has run on each max 9 machine you want to run DR on as this changes a few files which will enable vrayspawner90.exe to open the "vray_server_scene.max" file without it quiting all the time. I just sent a teapot to netrender on each machine!

                      6: Make sure "vrayspawner90.exe" is running on each DR machine and "vray_server_scene.max" file has loaded ok.

                      7: You will notice that you only have 1DR bucket for each machine which is a problem with max 9 & 1.5 RC3 so you need to do a quick fix buy hitting F11 to bring up the script listener and paste in "renderers.current.system_numThreads=4" without the commers and replace the 4 with how many threads you need such as 4 for a dual xeon machine.

                      Im sure that people fully know all of the above and have prob stuck it online here before but maybe it will help some people like me who have spent half a day working it all out.

                      Please let me know if any of the above is the wrong way of doing things but I found that it works for me so far fingers crossed.

                      Simon Askham - Rendering with Threadripper 2990WX Asus Prime X399 36GB DDR4


                      • #12
                        Just wondering but could someone confirm the following for me which is from the VRay Help file;

                        'In order to run, the V-Ray license server requires that a USB hardware lock (dongle) is attached to the computer where it is running. The dongle contains information about the number of available licenses for V-Ray.'

                        When it says about the number of available licences for vray - is this refering to the number of computers on the network that can be used for DR and Backburner ?



