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'System Unit Setup' Dialog Causes a Render Error Dialog

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  • 'System Unit Setup' Dialog Causes a Render Error Dialog

    This is a general post noting a problem that has occurred to me several times over the past few months but I cannot track down what causes it or been able to intentionally recreate. I've run some searches on the forum but didnt find anything discussing something similar. Next time it happens I'll get a screenshot to post and more explicit details on the exact error message, I apologize for the generalized info here, it just happened to a coworker and he didn't get a screenshot. Also, this is in 1.47.03, no 1.5 for us yet.

    Basically, just going into the Customize>Units Setup dialog and upon pressing the "System Unit Setup" button, a vray error dialog pops up directing you to either abort or continue rendering. Every time this has happened to me I'm not even rendering, ususally in the middle of modelling or something similar. Once or twice I've been able to press continue and then I can keep working in the scene. My coworker just pressed cancel and max went straight to desktop, though the standard autodesk error dialog appeared and he submitted it, and I have done the same, adding notes about using vray in the messages.

    Again, I have yet to ever be able to duplicate it, it just seems to happen once a month or so and I haven't discovered why. I just wanted to go ahead and start and thread on it in case anyone else has ever come across this, and if/when it happens to me again I'll be sure to get the details.

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  • #2
    okay, I figured out it's not on pressing the "system unit setup' button like I originally thought, it happens after that dialog appears, and when you hit the down arrow on the dropdown box to select a different unit.

    and I've now been able to reproduce it after multiple restarts, it is when Vray is rendering the material editor and the material editor is open and you go to change the units. If I unlock the material editor's renderer (so it uses scanline) I can change units without this error appearing. Also if I just close the material editor this will not happen, regardless of which renderer is assigned.

    Steps to reproduce in 1.47.03:
    -Blank Scene
    -Set Vray as renderer for both 'Production' and Material Editor
    -Customize>Units Setup
    -System Unit Setup
    -Press down arrow on dropdown menu
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    • #3
      Works just fine here in max8 RC3 (as in it doesnt crash)

      Time for you to upgrade that release is pretty old now.


      • #4
        This is a known issue in the 1.47 version. It is corrected in 1.5.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          I'll upgrade as soon as IT lets us.

          Thanks for the info.
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