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DR rendering only with 25 percent on max9 32bit on xp64bit

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  • DR rendering only with 25 percent on max9 32bit on xp64bit


    due to the fact of rendering incompatibility in BB and vrayDR in networks of 32 and 64 bit machines, we installed max9 32 bit on the xp64 it is possible to render jobs in BB....

    by testing vray DR we recognized that the xp64 machines with max9-32bit and vray1-5rc3 render only with 25 percent of max-power (dual opteron 2core= 4cpu) seems that all 4 render, but together only 25 percent...

    max6 rendered DR with all 4 cpus! on this network

    thats quite a bad fact...


  • #2
    Re: DR rendering only with 25 percent on max9 32bit on xp64b

    Try the following:

    Originally posted by vlado

    For whatever reason, 3dsmax 9 seems to assume always 1 rendering thread
    when started in slave mode; we will work around this issue, but for now,
    you can force V-Ray to use a specified number of threads across all
    render slaves by opening the maxscript listener (f11) and typing:


    Best regards,
    nikki Candelero
    .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


    • #3
      thanks nikki

      that works great, ...thanks to your team



      • #4
        Can you remove this?

        i've made a scene where i've set the threads to be 8 - saved it, and now all machines that render it use 8 threads - most have 2 or 4. This problem is resolved in RC4, (max 9 only rendering 1 thread) so can you remove this script and get back to the default settings?


        • #5
          What if you have nodes with 4 and 8 threads? Will setting it to 8 so my new quad dual core remote machine uses all of its cpu threads do anything adverse to my crusty old dual xeons?


          • #6
            Originally posted by calvino56
            What if you have nodes with 4 and 8 threads? Will setting it to 8 so my new quad dual core remote machine uses all of its cpu threads do anything adverse to my crusty old dual xeons?
            They might render a tiny little bit slower, but not by much.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7

              This is probably a really simple question but since i'm not in to maxscripts i hope i can get away with it...

              I tried the "clearListener()" command to get rid of the "renderers.current.system_numThreads=4"-script but it doesn't help. Can someone please tell me how to get back to "default"?

              What happens now is that when i am rendering without DR on my workstation only i get the number of buckets that i stated for the DR-rendering.
              Solution for me right now is to use the script but with the number of threads set to 4.
              I'd rather get rid of the script all together...

              Logic - the art of being wrong with confidence


              • #8


                • #9
                  My problem is similar to this one but the other way around... My workstation is 8 processors and my nodes are all 4 processors. With the script, all my nodes peak at 100% but now my workstation is only at 50%. So how can send that scrpit to the nodes only and assign 8 threads to my workstation?

                  Thanks all

                  workstation running xp64, max9-64 bit, vray1.5rc3
                  nodes running xp32/64, max9 32/64bit, v-ray1.5rc3 32/64 bit


                  • #10
                    andreq, make sure you have 8 set as your number of passes in the Light Cache rollout
                    Chris Jackson


                    • #11
                      thanks for replying to this old thread.

                      When I set my LC passes to 8 and use the script at the same time I only still get 4 buckets for my workstation which has 8 procs. Also I noticed that one of my renders nodes is starting frame 890030 instead of frame 0? What is up with that? the buckets also don't show up for that node, what could the problem be?

                      really need help on this, we just bought 3 more render nodes to help us out with render times and right now I can't see much difference.

